Media Rampage Jackson Interviews Chandler Jones *Jon Jones Brother*

Just watching and listening to this at this moment. Pretty decent conversation.

Thanks for sharing.
In before the Jones huggers show up.
Did you find any or do you sit around in every thread with the name Jones waiting for a bigger fan than you? You do realize if you are waiting around in his threads that’s what you are? A hugger and fan.

Fun Fact Rampage is the only fighter jon jones ever Feared

Not sure how factual that is. I suspect Anthony Johnson worried him. Luckily, for him, he pulled some Jon Jones shit (hit and run) and got himself out of it.
The bit about NFL drug testing is interesting.

Chandler says they test once a year and you know it’s coming, so you gotta be dumb to fail it.

Aren’t these same dudes gonna be doing ufc testing? Great news for us fans!
Nothing great about it..just confirms what most of us feared
they said Jon is for sure coming to do this podcast. Not sure how that'll go since rampage hates him.