Quick question...KAbib or HAbib?

its original Arabic. like someone already said, like the first letter of hanoeka..Jews party.
in western alphabet we use the number 7 for the first letter of his name. 7abib. in a few countries in north Africa they would call him 7bib, almost like bieb, bieber. Magomed is Mohammed., But the 7a is not easy to pronounce for everyone so in Ussr they say Gabib.

I always say Ka-beeb. No reason to over complicate it. Unless he's right in front of me then I say "The Eagle" because I don't want him to hump me for 15 minutes because I pronounced his name wrong
choke on something and then try to say his name.

thats how you say his name.
Khabib is not a russian name.
you should announce it Habib