PWD 510: The Modern Day Monopoly Man

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Even Inoki would get it. Inoki respected the in ring prowess of NJPW Hogan, Brother.

6.79 star rating IIRC.
Eddie Winslow is claiming a Hollywood executive tampered with his anus when he was a child.

Knew it was coming too


I didn't, and I have questions:

How strong are Walkers supposed to be? Sometimes it seems like they're bitch-ass manlets. Half the time our heroes stab them in the brains with all the power and force of poking a baby's nose and that shit goes right into their brains. Or they'll hold one off with their bare hands as it struggles and fails to get them if they don't have a weapon. So how did they, even a group of them, take down a full-grown goddamn tiger? I kept waiting for her to leap up and send the all flying in different directions. A fucking tiger would easily run through that many normal people. It was like she just laid down and sold for them. What the fuck?
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