PWD 502: このスレッドは偽の同性愛者です

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Is that Geraldo?

Turn back now

Baseball still sucks an extra large bag of Bubba dicks.
Every time I watch Carr play, I curse the Browns for taking Johnny Forgot Your Name and not him.
A Yankees Dodgers WS would give the MLB commish mega boners, tomorrow the Astros
The journeys of Nia Jax, Bliss and Mike Rome in Target are weird........

Its like a mother and her kids.
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I DVR the Ellen show because watching her dance makes me happy.
If you watch it closely you can see where Big Show injuries his hip!!!!!

Arent all wrestling crowds in America White Trash? Unless they throw on a token luchador match. Poor Rey.
Kiwi Sid is shook from Tyreke's beatdown
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