Putin presents families with 'Order of Parental Glory' in Moscow, Russia.


Apr 22, 2009
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The Order of Parental Glory is awarded to parents or adoptive parents who are married, in a civil union, or in the case of single-parent families, to one of the parents or adoptive parents who are/is raising, or have raised seven or more children as citizens of the Russian Federation. For leading a healthy family life, being socially responsible, providing an adequate level of health care, education, physical, spiritual and moral development of the children, full and harmonious development of their personality, and setting an example to strengthen the institution of the family and child rearing.



Putin is trying to build a superpower again. He knows you needs strong families and to raise children well.

Meanwhile in the USA, Obama lights the white house rainbow colors and couples are getting married and having vasectomy parties to celebrate childless families and the fact that they will never have children.
Looks like a country we should get along with.
Meanwhile in the USA, you get an ESPY for going transgender, and the Obamas will give you a congratulatory phone call for going gay.
Quite the contrast of what is being promoted by Western establishment to undermine the family and depopulate by promoting anything that deviates from it.
Meanwhile in the USA, you get an ESPY for going transgender

The ESPY was a courage award,

but how much courage did it take?

Literally, every criticism of him/her was shot down as bigotry and even (lol) sexism.

I could be courageous if nobody was allowed to criticize me.

There's this third wave feminist I work with. The one thing I agreed with her on was that a man winning woman of the year was messed up
Quite the contrast of what is being promoted by Western establishment to undermine the family and depopulate by promoting anything that deviates from it.

I wonder why Russia is seen as such a threat to the West's elite...
Damn, Hitler gave out the national medal for kid-dropping at 4. Putin's a tightwad.