Push press feet position


Jan 27, 2014
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I recently added in the push press to my routine and use a staggered stance to prevent myself from losing balance but keep seeing tutorials where people's feet are square. Now that I think about it my press is staggered too. What do you guys reccomdend as i worry about falling over especially on the push press if I square my stance up due to the explosiveness of the lift

You won’t fall over if you brace properly. Here’s how I do it:

- grip bar
- big breath into stomach (and push out against belt if I’m wearing it
- step under bar and unrack
- step back (you probably don’t have to think too much about how wide or narrow your stance should be. If you just step back, you’ll likely naturally go to a stable stance)
- flex quads/glutes as hard as you can
- press bar

If I’m doing a single, I don’t breathe between unracking the bar and pressing it, as I find I can never get the same amount of air back into me once the bar is across my shoulders. I can’t get as tight and brace as hard as I need to.
I never really had the balance issue on it. I have my feet about shoulder width or maybe a bit narrower. I feel like most people that have the balance issue is due to their bar path or the weight getting out in front of them.