Pro refugee protesters refuse to sign petition to help white South African's avoiding genocide

Off topic:

Would yall open your doors to a mother fucker that looks and acts like Yo-Landi and Ninja?
Yes they are pretty nice people in everyday life.
At 0:30 is the answer. "They left their countries and stole their (the South African's) land." It's always the same- blame one person for what someone else did, but more than that, hold them personally accountable for it.
It's also historically wrong. The dutch settled in modern day western south africa. At the time it was not inhabited by Bantu people like the Xhosa or Zulu. It was inhabited by Khoisan people and the dutch mixed pretty well with them creating the Coloured people(not a bad word there). The bantus came later, settled in the East and are basically a distinct race(closer to what we consider black in the west, while the Khoisan are light skinned and very short) that killed and enslaved Khoisan and Pygmy peoples.
It was the British that stole the land from them and created a larger artificial country.
rohinga are bangladeshis.

perhaps we need to be a little more honest on who these people actually are. its no injustice to have them flee to bangladesh.

and while it would be great to have some south africans hows about the dutch or germans do something for their kin.
That's an interesting point. It's not some right wing Burmese conspiracy but Rohingyas were called Bengalis in scholarly literature until 20 years ago. They also have a history of separatism.
Many of the same type of people reject the idea of original sin from a religious perspective yet embrace it in the identity politics arena. I don't understand if it's pure hypocrisy or lazy brain cells.

That is a very good analogy. Original sin. Nails it.