Polish grapplers are made of sterner stuff

How many polish grapplers does it take to change a light bulb?
Had a visiting Polish judo brown belt smoke everyone on the mat at my club that day.

As senior kyu it was my job to take most of the beatings....

....And made my competitive Godan coach work harder than I've ever seen outside of a comp.

Coach's words after practice: Welcome to Eastern European judo.....wish he could stay longer....

On the mats in Warsaw you encounter some real tough dudes; a little anecdote to help define the Polish grappler...

I'm a Polish grappler and know a thing or two about the stuff we've made of:) I know for the fact that in strength and agression department we're usually way above the rest however there's a downside to it too as there's plenty of spazzy idiots who just can't roll without 150% intensity.

Funny thing is I know Marcin Polczyk from way back when we both worked as bouncers here in Edinburgh, he was always a great character and I'm really happy for him to get his black belt and I'm glad his business is thriving.