Platinum Michael Perry responds to keyboard warriors questioning his beach training video

she was terrible at holding pads... but id be terrible at surfing because im not a surfer.

side note... that dude with him in the pic has got his jaw broken in a RNC... and is a complete douche bag to boot.
Why does he have Bob's gift written on his stomach? Who is Bob? His dad?

I thought his dad's name was Alain.
When does this dude fight again? I've somehow against all initial thoughts and impressions become a fan. I don't think he's the next big thing necessarily, but he's fun to watch fight and seems to be both hungry and willing to learn anything that someone will teach him. Can't knock that.
He is Perry's Artem. And he's even

He even acts tougher than Perry. At least Perry has some self deprecation and goofiness in some of his schtick. I admit, I didn't get Perry at first, but he's a pretty entertaining dude now that I've seen more of him around.