PBC: Vasquez vs Collazo

Looked like a ROTY contender.
Close round 4. Collazo turned it on after getting hurt. Got it even 38-38.
Rd 5- 10-9 Vasquez
Trouble cutting the ring off.
Good round 5 for Vasquez. Using the jab 48-47.
Sammy looks a bit bewildered. Good job switching things up by Collazo thus far.
Good Lord it's over KOTY by Collazo.
Damn. Hook out of nowhere from Collazo !!!
I honestly expected Collazo to look more shopworn tonight.
Great right hook by Collazo.
Collazo-Ugas seems like the logical step.
That was brutal. Vasquez walked right into it with his left down.
I dont get the count for that. That should of been called instantly wow.
Collazo is like 37 he needs to go after it now
God damnit, I bet the over (6&1/2) thinking that was safer then a straight Collazo win. DOH!
Great first FS1 card of the year too.

There hasnt been a single shitty boxing card this year so far except for Lara/Foreman card
damn what a KO
