PBC: Plant vs De Angel

Triplett's chin floating when he throws, needs to be careful.
Nice uppercut by Triplett to end the round.
Newell getting out muscled.
Wow, and it's over. Looked like a cut inside his mouth. Triplett TKO 3.
WTF? TKO by stoppage for Triplett.
De Angel got slammed by Kanat Islam, Plant is going to give us a sweet KO.
And its time for the main-event! Plant should win this easily.
What ever happened to Kanat Islam? He looked great on Bounce and then just disappeared
20-18 Plant. Not much offense from De angel.
Plant has landed 26% while De Angel is only 16%.
30-27 Plant. Thought it would be over by now. De Angel fighting smart.
Plant dropped De Angel. Now he needs to jump on him.
Down goes De Angel, short left hook.
40-35 Plant. Nice recovery by De Angel. Now he needs to go for it.
50-44 Plant. Would love to see him go for the finish.