Overwatch Official Discussion, v3: I'm a Bastion Main, Brah.

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was in the 1100s at the beginning of season 5 and now im approaching 1700. feels good mang

Whatever you do, stay below plat aka elo hell. Bronze/Silver/Gold is where the game is actually fun.

You gotta cherish it.
Played a little QP with Sym on attack for 2cp maps. There is nothing better than back capping the point with a sneaky teleporter.
Seeing the other team panic as an endless stream of enemies pour through.

Just got done playing a game where I got 4 gold medals... gold elims, objective elims, objective time and healing with lucio. We won.

Again, the SR glitch hit me, and it's pissing me off. So I played a game, and it was rather quick, but I still got gold elims, objective time and objective elims with torb/solider. Had 31 kills, 1 death with lots of Armour packs and health dropped.

I was on the mic with a few people on my team, and I got 5 SR and everyone else got around 25! WTF!!!!!!! I did the best on the team, even my teammates didn't dispute this (because they think this hilarious) and yet I get the lowest SR by far.

The person that got ZERO medals, that got carried, received almost 5 times the amount of SR that I got when my numbers far surpassed everything they did, several times over.

Getting real tired of Bullshit Mr Jeff
I still don't play competitive that shit is cancer especially the last couple of seasons, I must have 1000 hours played on quick play by now.
One of the last comp games I played, maybe two days ago, my team won and I got 0 SR.

I mean, it's hard enough to rank up as is but I dunnae if I can overcome this.
Come home, played 4 games and I've yet to have a real one. There has been a thrower (a real thrower, not just someone playing poorly) in every single game. I'm 2-2 in them so far, so I guess it's not costing me SR, but it completely ruins the game.
Come home, played 4 games and I've yet to have a real one. There has been a thrower (a real thrower, not just someone playing poorly) in every single game. I'm 2-2 in them so far, so I guess it's not costing me SR, but it completely ruins the game.
It's getting to the point where I might have to jump ship for a little while until blizzard fixes some of the basic problems.

Anybody playing any other games that are similar?
My Comp matches have been way more fun than my Arcade matches lately. Now that the game keeps track of how long you've played heroes in Mystery Heroes I can see that I wasn't crazy and I do get Symmetra and Hanzo, both are characters I hate playing, way more often than anything else.
Played a little QP with Sym on attack for 2cp maps. There is nothing better than back capping the point with a sneaky teleporter.
Seeing the other team panic as an endless stream of enemies pour through.

Just got done playing a game where I got 4 gold medals... gold elims, objective elims, objective time and healing with lucio. We won.

Again, the SR glitch hit me, and it's pissing me off. So I played a game, and it was rather quick, but I still got gold elims, objective time and objective elims with torb/solider. Had 31 kills, 1 death with lots of Armour packs and health dropped.

I was on the mic with a few people on my team, and I got 5 SR and everyone else got around 25! WTF!!!!!!! I did the best on the team, even my teammates didn't dispute this (because they think this hilarious) and yet I get the lowest SR by far.

The person that got ZERO medals, that got carried, received almost 5 times the amount of SR that I got when my numbers far surpassed everything they did, several times over.

Getting real tired of Bullshit Mr Jeff
We're you the heighest rated player in the lobby? In other games with MMR I have seen similar situations where the algorithm expected a highly ranked player to carry.
We're you the heighest rated player in the lobby? In other games with MMR I have seen similar situations where the algorithm expected a highly ranked player to carry.
Maybe, but I doubt it. Seemed like we were all pretty close to the same rank, give or take a few points.

See that's what really, really bothers me about this game some times..their hidden expectations. How could I do so much better and be rewarded so much worse? My numbers were GREAT, how many more kills should have I got to get the same Sr?
When I am already at an insanely high kill participation, there literally isn't anyone else to kill, or heal, or damage to block in order to get more Sr.
So it's holding me to literally impossible numbers to reach. Those are like grandmaster expectations.
If you're playing 2cp and you steamroll the other team, there's only so many opportunities for kills, heals and damaged block. It's not like going 5 rounds on koth or double overtime on escort the payload.

And if we lost, I best I would have lost close to 30sr. And if that's the case, I would rather skip any ridiculous games like this and play for around the standard Sr that everyone else is playing for.
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It's funny to see a lot of pros running some weird comps.

One game had Winston, dva, genji, tracer, sombra and Lucio


Winston, dva, tracer, genji, zen, Lucio.

One team had Lucio and sombra for healers and the other had zen and Lucio.

No mercy.. rarely is there ever a mercy in any pro game and Anna is being used way less than she used to be used prenerf.

People on the lower ranks still can't let go of mercy though, even though the Lucio zen combo is so fucking good.

Having mercy means you only have 5 peeps shooting at 6 peeps, who are shooting back at them.
Now mercy can supposedly make up for it with damage boost, but then she can't heal at the same exact time.

A good Lucio will get a solid amount of kills and zens discord is better than mercys damage boost imo because zen can heal at the same time, and he does a ton of damage even without the discord.

I play a lot of Lucio and zen and I medal almost every game in elims, and more than not, get silver or above. And when I am Lucio I out heal mercy in total healing 9/10 games when we play on the same team.
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