Overpopulation is the single biggest problem in the world today

Matty da Ranga

Mar 5, 2018
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Cbf using any facts, so I'm just using a bit of broscience here

Seriously, if you think about it, the world has a finite amount of resources, which is why not everyone can be rich or live a luxurious life. I really think that trimming the 7.4 billion people we have currently down to about 100 million is an ideal scenario; it'll solve a lot of issues such as crime, as poor people are more likely to commit crimes.

How do we accomplish such things?

Well....some non-psychopathic solutions:

1. Free birth control
2. Encouraging euthanasia for sick people
3. Not demonising suicide, so that people who want to kill themselves can go ahead and do exactly that
4. Not allowing severely mentally or physically handicapped fetuses to be born
5. Not allowing negligent or flat out stupid people to reproduce
The problem is people having kids despite not being able to provide for them. Get rid of welfare and no more aid for third world countries.
The problem is people having kids despite not being able to provide for them. Get rid of welfare and no more aid for third world countries.
Read my OP again, "negligent or flat out stupid people" includes those dumb enough to breed with no resources ;)
You end up with a poverty and birth-rate loop, one maintaining the other.
This is why I stopped feeling bad for the starving. You are poor and homeless, but still fuck all the time? How starving are you really?
Better call thanos
7.4 billion to 100million is trimming?

You clearly don't know how the socio-economic system works. There will always be poor people regardless of population.

Studies suggest the optimum world population would be anywhere from 800 million - 2 billion.
Overpopulation is the single biggest problem in the world today

How do we accomplish such things?

Well....some non-psychopathic solutions:

1. Free birth control
2. Encouraging euthanasia for sick people
3. Not demonising suicide, so that people who want to kill themselves can go ahead and do exactly that
4. Not allowing severely mentally or physically handicapped fetuses to be born
5. Not allowing negligent or flat out stupid people to reproduce


7.4 billion to 100million is trimming?

Studies suggest the optimum world population would be anywhere from 800 million - 2 billion.

Also agreed - it needs to drop dramatically...but not that dramatically.
Birth rates seem to drop wherever women get an education and are incentivized to enter the job market, I've read.
A few German guys had similar ideas 80 years ago.

As did other nations, including the US.

Just because they used iffy criteria and had sub-modern medical skill doesn't automatically mean that using good criteria and modern medicine is a bad idea.

We could have hundreds of pages about mental illness, generational abuse, crime, and poverty, but I don't remotely have the time (and trolls would likely wreck it anyway).
In brief, letting everyone do what they want isn't really going very well, either.

Still, that's a distraction from the two main points, which are:

  • Overpopulation is a massive problem
  • There are meaningful, less controversial things that can be done which will help
Cbf using any facts, so I'm just using a bit of broscience here

Seriously, if you think about it, the world has a finite amount of resources, which is why not everyone can be rich or live a luxurious life. I really think that trimming the 7.4 billion people we have currently down to about 100 million is an ideal scenario; it'll solve a lot of issues such as crime, as poor people are more likely to commit crimes.

How do we accomplish such things?

Well....some non-psychopathic solutions:

1. Free birth control
2. Encouraging euthanasia for sick people
3. Not demonising suicide, so that people who want to kill themselves can go ahead and do exactly that
4. Not allowing severely mentally or physically handicapped fetuses to be born
5. Not allowing negligent or flat out stupid people to reproduce

That's some legit Nazi stuff but yes, overpopulation is certainly an issue.

The thing is that population growth is the most important determinant of GDP growth and therefore government policy under neo-liberal economics, so we are brainwashed from a young age to believe that population growth is a good thing.
Cbf using any facts, so I'm just using a bit of broscience here

Seriously, if you think about it, the world has a finite amount of resources, which is why not everyone can be rich or live a luxurious life. I really think that trimming the 7.4 billion people we have currently down to about 100 million is an ideal scenario; it'll solve a lot of issues such as crime, as poor people are more likely to commit crimes.

How do we accomplish such things?

Well....some non-psychopathic solutions:

1. Free birth control
2. Encouraging euthanasia for sick people
3. Not demonising suicide, so that people who want to kill themselves can go ahead and do exactly that
4. Not allowing severely mentally or physically handicapped fetuses to be born
5. Not allowing negligent or flat out stupid people to reproduce

Pump the hate brakes, Thanos;)
That's some legit Nazi stuff but yes, overpopulation is certainly an issue.

The thing is that population growth is the most important determinant of GDP growth and therefore government policy under neo-liberal economics, so we are brainwashed from a young age to believe that population growth is a good thing.

This is the biggest problem. Population growth increases demand for products and grows the economy. It also provides the work force for the growing economy. Lowering the birth rate to maintain zero growth rate would lower the demand for more housing and kill the home building industry. No new drivers so fewer vehicles and new roads would be needed. If the birth rate is further lowered to decrease the total population, there would be an excess of housing and prices would plummet.
America, Canada, Australia, the UK, Western Europe and Scandinavian countries like Sweden need a steady supply of third world immigrants from Africa, China, India and the Middle East. Everything is just fine. Think of your economy not your people, culture and the environment. Our economic system requires constant growth.
The real problem is our economic system. It's hilarious to think this is the only way to live.