Ok, who was the guy that called this? Where is the thread? Lol


Green Belt
Dec 13, 2015
Reaction score
I remember seeing a thread about Jones, calling this. It is custom, it is tradition to bump these things. Must be done.

Also, where are all the trolls that mocked DC after the loss?

It's hunting season, boys.
I called this, but I'm sure many have. I said I believed Jones would rather risk getting caught than risk losing to DC.
My best friend called it right after the fight and I made fun of him for being salty lol.

The guy was jacked! Anyone with a set of eyes should have known that something was up with Jones...oh well.
This is my post from a few months back before the fight....

I actually think he will. The dude seems so narcissistic and anti-social that it seems very likely to me that he will attempt to cheat again. He seems like the kind of guy that would rather best DC while cheating, rather than even risk taking a loss against a nemesis.....
I remember seeing a thread about Jones, calling this. It is custom, it is tradition to bump these things. Must be done.

Also, where are all the trolls that mocked DC after the loss?

It's hunting season, boys.
DC may be using as well just better at covering it up after years of olympic level roiding he master the great escape. Also lets not forget that DC still got knocked out.
I called this, but I'm sure many have. I said I believed Jones would rather risk getting caught than risk losing to DC.
love your avatar but I think you are way off on this one.