Ok Trump haters...

Honestly, I don't think it's a question of "Does Trump do ANYTHING right?" because if you're at all objective you can admit he does some good stuff. I think the question is, are you happy with his performance as a whole? From my standpoint, in order to actually like the guy, you pretty much have to be in the crowd of people who didn't like his campaign platform because he certainly isn't making good on it. Unless, of course, you're in the crowd of people who like the guy just because he's not a Democrat...

The few areas I had hopes for Trump in he's not doing well with. I really don't see how someone can say they're notably positive on his presidency so far. I believe the jury is still out, but his first few months haven't been particularly good in my opinion.
Here is a sample of what the Chinese think of Trump.

My friend, I do not feel parody videos accurately reflect the mood of the Politburo or Proletariat in Beijing.

By the way I live in Shenzhen, China and have for the past 2 1/2 years.

The time is 2 a.m. and I am going to bed, may you have a pleasant day.