Obama signs anti-propaganda bill on Chirstmas


Silver Belt
Oct 13, 2006
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While everyone was enjoying time with their family Obama decided to be sneaky and signed a bill that will fight against "fake news". This man is disgusting, he is going all out before he leaves to ensure Trump and his adminstration have an uphill battle.
Wtf? I'm all for uncensored news. But a lot of info out there is fake and is making Americans into idiots. There has to be a balance. lets make America smart again. Stop the spread of garbage info like info wars.
Wtf? I'm all for uncensored news. But a lot of info out there is fake and is making Americans into idiots. There has to be a balance. lets make America smart again. Stop the spread of garbage info like info wars.

Let's make America smart again and not tune into mainstream media. MSM is the fake news. Look up all the fake news stories from 2016 alone and can you honestly say america would be smarter by listening to CNN, ABC, etc?
If he signed a bill that means it was proposed by and voted in favor of by a Republican Congress and Senate correct?

This isn't Obama putting something dirty in. This is Obama simply not vetoing what seems to be some bipartisan proposal. Don't look and stretch like that to blame him for everything you disagree with.
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Let's make America smart again and not tune into mainstream media. MSM is the fake news. Look up all the fake news stories from 2016 alone and can you honestly say america would be smarter by listening to CNN, ABC, etc?
So your saying fox, cnn, cbs, pbs are all fake news? Ok what is real news?
So your saying fox, cnn, cbs, pbs are all fake news? Ok what is real news?

Are you sure you're not messing with me? These networks have been proven to be fake (fox is a bit better but not much) many times this year alone. You never find it odd that so many people think white cops are out there to kill black men when blacks are the biggest danger to black people? Hands up, don't shoot was a complete lie. Let's also not forget about the crisis actors that have been exposed working for these networks. MSM has always been a joke but this year people are finally waking up.
Didn't see that sorry, maybe someone can merge them. Surprised more people aren't talking about it, but then again that's exactly what they planned for by signing it on Christmas

No worries, not a big deal. Happens all the time due to wording of titles. It is a big story actually.
Are you sure you're not messing with me? These networks have been proven to be fake (fox is a bit better but not much) many times this year alone. You never find it odd that so many people think white cops are out there to kill black men when blacks are the biggest danger to black people? Hands up, don't shoot was a complete lie. Let's also not forget about the crisis actors that have been exposed working for these networks. MSM has always been a joke but this year people are finally waking up.
Lol I'm sure a lot of black people think all cops are bad, just like a lot of people think Bigfoot and ghost are real. That does not mean they are correct right.
And no I don't find it odd, that a lot of low educated people belive that.
A lot of journalists have risked and died reporting the news. I don't think they would risk there lives to report fake news.


Brainwashed by KLAN MURDOCH!!!

Obama throughout his presidency has attacked Fox news for "misinformation". Fox news is probably the only mainstream network that isn't under his complete control. In a way, he legitimized fox by putting out those statements.

Fox news was the only major mainstream network to call bs on the Russia hacking.
Wtf? I'm all for uncensored news. But a lot of info out there is fake and is making Americans into idiots. There has to be a balance. lets make America smart again. Stop the spread of garbage info like info wars.

so you think the US Government is going to give us an unbiased perspective?

Wtf? I'm all for uncensored news. But a lot of info out there is fake and is making Americans into idiots. There has to be a balance. lets make America smart again. Stop the spread of garbage info like info wars.

Youve got to be seriously naive and incredibly shortsighted if you dont see a massive opportunity for misuse with allowing the government to decide that which is " true " and what is dangerous "propoganda". Im guessing youre not a fan of the Chinese style throttling of information? How is a person capable of thinking past 2 steps ok with this ?
Obama throughout his presidency has attacked Fox news for "misinformation". Fox news is probably the only mainstream network that isn't under his complete control. In a way, he legitimized fox by putting out those statements.

Fox news was the only major mainstream network to call bs on the Russia hacking.



Yea sure so he signed a bill that would give his cronies in Hollywood and the liberal media the exclusive right to broadcast propaganda which is exactly how he got elected through fake news which claimed he was what he wasn't in 08. This fukn shill is nothing but a turd stain on the history of America and he wants to leave his skidmarks for years to come. Mr Hanky the Christmas can go straight to hell.



Is trolling really that much fun? You add nothing to the discussion. I'm going to ignore you now.