No Women, No Kids - Another Jon Jones Joint

In the film Leon, the Professional, we get to explore the world of Leon - a professional hitman. We know that he's not really a bad guy though because his trademark line when offered a job - "No Women, No Kids" informs us that he won't kill someone he considers defenseless. It's a pretty straightforward barometer for ethos and morality in a world of grey shades where even the cops are villains.

Recently there's been a lot of conversation about Jon Jones PED problems and ongoing inability to stop walking all over his own petard. From dick pills and oral steroids to pregnant hit-and-runs or ruined fight cards - a lot of folks are talking about when it was that Johnny Bones burned them and turned them against him. For some it was his fake personality from the beginning, for some it was one of his myriad dirty in-ring incidents. 12-6 elbows, eye pokes, oblique/knee kicks and the like. For some it was car crash 1, for others it was the "tainted supplements". Whatever the reason, there's a lot of conversation on the topic.

I'm still a Jones fan. I enjoyed his last fight tremendously and will enjoy the next one, whether it's 12 or 120 months from now. He hasn't soured on me and I can't think of much the he might do that would make his fights themselves less enjoyable.

For me, I think it's a little more complicated than "No Women, No Kids" but maybe not so far off. I probably wouldn't support or pay to watch a fighter who abused children, the elderly, or anyone else who couldn't protect themself. I won't watch a bully or a rapist, nor will I pay to peruse a pedophile (unless it's a one-sided beating).

How about you - if you're already sour you probably answered this somewhere, but what did/will it take for you to jump off the bandwagon and call it a day? What is the unforgivable sin a MMA fighter can not come back from in your eyes?

Great movie
Shitty thread
Moron TS
No kids is one thing, but women are responsible for their fair share of evil in this world, they don't deserve to be spared from consequences because they have a vagina.
Isn't hit and run on a pregnant woman literally "Women, and Kids?"


No Women, No Kids - Another Jon Jones Joint

Jones already violated both with the hit-and-run.

Preggo woman.

Yeah, he got in a car accident and acted like a pussy. He didn't intentionally target a pregnant woman or child with his vehicle as far as I can tell. If he ran like that in a fight I'd make fun of him, but then he would win it and I couldn't complain as much.

Gary Oldman kicks ass in Leon

He improvised his best scenes, totally kicks ass.

what the fuck did I just read? This is a movie review? Learn to arrange your thoughts in a linear structure before you post. Do you even STRUCTURE bro?

Introduction of concept -> clarification of purpose -> anecdotal example -> specific feedback request. It's some kind of line.

I was a fat kid when Structure was cool and they didn't have pants my size. I did have some husky Silver Tabs though.