Night Owls, unite!

Chad R. Thundercock

Cooler than the other side of the pillow.
Nov 30, 2005
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There is a romance about all those who are abroad in the black hours.

Robert Louis Stevenson

I'm a night owl. I love to stay up in the twilight hours because the night is tranquil and allows me to think and ponder deeply about the important things in life. Sometimes I have the urge to ramble, read, or write for hours while falling under the spell of a manic haze. The ideas are flowing fluidly and freely in my head. It can't be helped.

I usually go to bed at 2-4 in the morning and wake up at 8-10 in the morning. My work schedule allows me to do this because, well, I make my own schedule. I love it.

It's been said that most incredible thinkers, writers, artists, and scientists were night owls.

Anyone else here a nocturnal being like me? If so, share your experiences and perspectives regarding this matter.

I used to be when I was a teenage stoner, but (sadly) those days are over. I need at least 7 hours of sleep to not be yawning all day.
Nah, sometimes this shit sucks. And no, I'm not gonna cyber with you.

Take an allergy pill and lay yo ass down.
Nah, sometimes this shit sucks. And no, I'm not gonna cyber with you.

Take an allergy pill and lay yo ass down.

I was prescribed trazedone for my insomnia while I was in the Navy.

It didn't do a goddamn thing.
I was but now my job requires me to be up at 5am so I'm in bed by 9 at the latest now. Usually 8. I need sleep. I used to sleep til 5pm and stay up til noon regularly.