Nick Curson Elevation Mask ?

I've compared elevation masks to hypoxic trainers on my YouTube, elevation mask obviously doesn't alter spo2, however it MAY force a more controlled breathing pattern due to restriction which may have benefit. Personally never used or recommended an elevation mask, except for that one test...

You could just use a power lung. I know some people have used them in an effort to increase the force of expiration in an attempt to develop the ability to do a higher respiration rate at vital capacity.

I've heard that Tuba players use powerLung as well. Not joking.
There are studies that show hypertrophy of type 2x fibers in soleus muscles of rats tribes in hypoxia, I experimented with it, wasn't sold on it... I will say this though,I feel it helps repattern breathing like nothing else which is probably where, if any cardio benefit comes from.
And are those rats who use some sort of breathing resistance during exercise, or are those rats who live their entire lives in controlled-atmosphere environments with lower oxygen content?