New South Park game identifies white privilege

The only reason I could see for this SAT point spread is to enforce DIVERSITY.
If that's true, why isn't "diversity" enforced for Asians in other aspects of American society? why do Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics, get a handicap in life, but not Asians in America? especially in areas where they are severely underrepresented in?
Now let me educate you as to where this goes...

Blacks being given a handicap of SAT points isn't going to do them any favors in the long run. It's going to promote laziness. Further creating this gap in education.
It's called cheating through life, that's the only thing the American system is promoting. They are letting Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics cheat through life in varying degrees, except for Asians, they are punishing them.
On the flip side, penalizing Asians is only going to further drive them into academic studies...making them excel on average further than any other race.
You have a very sick twisted way of thinking, you mean further perpetuating and enforcing the Asian stereotype?
Thats not answering anything. If you're trying to say its because Whites are a majority of the population, then perhaps I can accept that. It still doesnt mean its fair that whites get seen as the default and therefore are allowed the same representation they normally would have gotten anyway.

And theres a hell of a lot of wrong with it. My asian friends constantly tell me how they struggle to argue with superiors and elders, missed on so many childhood moments, didn't get a chance to pursue their passions, and spent 15+ years preparing for a life they hate. Asian parents teach their kids to survive, not thrive.

For fuck sakes man, how the fuck are you messing this up?

Let's say a class holds 30 students.

Right now 10 are white, 15 are asian and only 5 black.

They are saying the goal is to have 10 asian, 10 white, 10 black...academic abilities be damned. We need to feel good here!

So they are making their quotas of whites...have too many asians and not enough blacks. So whites are fine, punish Asians, gift blacks.

Does that fucking compute yet???
White privilege is still a myth.
Don't give a fuck what games you retards play.
Once you get rid of affirmative action and race/gender hiring bias, then we can talk about race and sex privileges all you want.