Never Smoked Pot Before What's Like?

It's no different than driving drunk. You're still altered.

Haha, no different from driving drunk?!?!


I'm sorry to come off as an asshole here but you don't have any clue what you are talking about. Don't listen to the commercials bro they lie. I certainly don't think it's good idea for EVERYBODY to just start blazing and driving but truth is I can smoke a blunt and probably drive better than you do sober. Hell, I can smoke weed and do a lot of things better than most people can do sober. I hate to be like that man I'm sorry if it goes against everything you've ever been taught about weed but it's the truth. Weed is NOTHING at all like being drunk.
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Haha, no different from driving drunk?!?!


I'm sorry to come off as an asshole here but you don't have any clue what you are talking about. Don't listen to the commercials bro they lie. I certainly don't think it's good idea for EVERYBODY to just start blazing and driving but truth is I can smoke a blunt and probably drive better than you do sober. Hell, I can smoke weed and do a lot of things better than most people can do sober. I hate to be like that man I'm sorry if it goes against everything you've ever been taught about weed but it's the truth. Weed is NOTHING at all like being drunk.
I'm not saying it makes you feel the same, but it puts you in a state where you have no place operating machinery.
smoking weed before a workout is tremendous, you should try it.

...then try it after too.

Makes me feel weird, in a bad way. Not a fan.
Just give me a couple beers and I'm good.
Camping and pot go hand in hand. I used to go camping up near Highlands (no pun intended) NC and I would stay stoned up there for days on end.

Yea my greatest camping trip was with me and my friends we took a bunch of weed and a bunch of pain killers. My friend who looks like a 10 year old but is 18 was going down a water slide with me that goes through a locker room. Were high as a fucking kite. My friend starts splashing this guy in the face who's waiting for his family in the locker room and the guy tries to play it off like he doesn't care. My friend keeps doing it I shit you not the guy fucking lost his shit after like the 5th splash in his face and I'm fucking dying with laughter. Thankfully the slide ends far far away from where the locker rooms were.
I get too paranoid to enjoy it in social settings. Don't mind it occasionally wjen I'm at home and it's quiet and I'm working on a project or something.
If you smoke weed you'll live in a shitty apartment with two other pieces of shit you don't even like. Your car will get keyed out in the parking lot and when your starter goes out, you'll have to call your mom to spot you the $20 you spent on weed the other day. Your credit will be shit and your bills will be unpaid. Your education will be lacking but you'll know a fuck ton about the history and effects of weed. You'll spend most of your time complaining about how the world is out to get you and everything is unfairly stacked in your favor. But man the feeling of getting high and watching your favorite tv show is so good that it makes it all worth it.
I tried it once when I was a teenager and hated it. Probably cuz it was cheap ass Mexican weed, but I hated smoking and coughing. I got a little buzz but didn’t like it. I have a buddy who does it pretty regularly, so I think we’re going to get some edibles and hang out, maybe go see a movie or something.
I never thought it was that great...would much rather drink than smoke...
It's great. Just don't plan to do too much for a few hours after you smoke your first blunt.
Euphoria is the best way to describe it.
but to make it a simple as possible, its stronger then a cigarette, weaker then any form of alcohol.
Should look into wax, its healthier and higher percentage THC/CBD(what gets you high and the medical properties)

This is putting it bluntly(lol) <Moves>
Stay clear of the forbidden shrubbery!
I'd say it helps to know what type of person you are. I'm an introvert and I love Sativas. They do the opposite of what the stereotype is. Sober I'm quieter and observant, but smoking that, and I'm more energetic and talkative...but, my friend that suffers from anxiety hates it and prefers Indica so that he can just chill. I like having my mind racing and creative.

Does it alter sex at all?

I'm going to quote Joe Rogan: "If you've never had sex while high, you shouldn't be able to say you've had sex". For me, it makes it sooo much better. I call it my sexual superpower. It allows me to completely let go and be a sexual animal, compared to the sober me that at times can get lost in my head. Just an anecdote though.
So I'm going to be the contrarian here and say it might do nothing and be something you might have to fake to go along for the ride on.

I've told my story before here and apologize for the length but here is the short version.

- been around guys who smoke up all thru high school and Uni but never partook of it or any drug. Probably been hot boxed sitting in same room and passing it but never felt any affects

- decided for my 40th birthday with my ex and my prior business partner and his wife, when in Amsterdam that I was going to get high for the first time. My business partner was a regular pot head and a regular in Amsterdam with his favorite coffee shops.

- first night there the 4 of us get marijuana and a water bong. We all smoke (in through mouth, out through nose) and they all get high and giggly but i feel nothing. We eventually head to the clubs and I babysit 3 high folk.

- We go back to coffee shop second night and get a Hookah for our marijuana. Again they get high and I feel nothing. Babysitting again as we go out to the bars.

- third night back at coffee shop my business partner tells owner of my lack of getting high. He looks at me strangely and sends the 3 of them away to smoke the pot we bought. He tells me, however to sit with him up at the bar. He pulls out his own stash and starts to roll joints. I offer money and he say no. He lights the joint and take a haul and then gives it to me, indicates I should breath it in, he makes me hold it and indicates when I can exhale. We go back and forth and back and forth. I am still feeling nothing. But after a while it is clear he is getting high as shit. He is looking at me like I'm a freak.

Eventually my then wife and friends are ready to leave and they come upstairs to see me and are shocked I say I still feel nothing while the owner is looking baked. They walk past me ready to head out and it looks like I will be babysitting once again.

But as I stand up and go to follow them, I realize I cannot move. My then wife asks what is wrong and I say "my feet won't move'. I could not walk. Then I recall I am sitting on the ground and everyone is trying to get me to drink some water. I felt like I was gone for hours but apparently it was about 15 seconds.

They walk me back to the hotel and put me in the bed and I wake up the next morning feeling no hang over effects and no real recollection of any feeling of being high. So I went from nothing to pass out with nothing in between.

So the moral of the story TS is that you may feel nothing despite everyone telling you how much you will feel.

It's awesome.....

I don't want to contribute to your delinquency.

It relaxes you, makes your eyes feel heavy, makes food taste better, makes music sound better, makes comedy better, and makes you tired and sleepy after a couple hours. That's the only way I can describe it.

Best way I can describe it, is like you're an audience member watching a movie about your life, filmed from a first-person perspective.

If you’re brand new to it, it feels kinda like you’re in a vivid dream.

Gets you high.

I've never done it either. I was never 'bout dat criminal life. Also I'm like the only person in the world who's never known a stoner or anyone with drug hookups. But they're legalizing it here in Canada and building a humungous weed farm here where I live so I guess I'll find out soon what it's like

OR, it makes you paranoid and freaked out and makes you REALIZE YOU HAVE TO CLEAN YOUR TOILETTE. And makes you feel bad that you ignored you sister's pleas for help, even though she is a loser who deserves no help... and thus makes you ASHAMED OF YOUR WHOLE FAMILY.

I love weed, but there is a caveat. If and how much a person enjoys marijuana can vary depending on the individual, the strain, the quality, their mood at the time of consumption, and the setting.

Some strains will make you paranoid, tired, and slow down your thought process. Smoking (especially certain strains) before an important business meeting or interacting with police/angry, aggressive people is going to be a really bad idea for some people.

Also, like any good thing, it can be abused. For me, if I smoke every day I will start to get forgetful and less motivated. Other people claim to be fine with heavy, daily use though I personally think that they're not honest with themselves.

That said, if you've never experienced being high then I recommend going to a dispensary and getting the highest quality flower available. I recommend an indica or hybrid.

You can smoke it with a pipe, bong, bubbler, joint, or vaporizer. You can also consider edibles though they're not my fave. The high is different and can become too intense and uncomfortable if you eat too much.

Smoking is a better experience imo but if you absolutely hate the smell then try edibles and start with a small piece and wait at least 30 minutes to an hour before consuming more or the high can creep up you and you may feel too stoned if you ingest too much.

Plan something mellow for the first time like watching a movie or walking around a park. If you have a good friend or partner to partake in it with you, that can be nice.

Also, keep in mind that for some people nothing happens their first time. This was true for me, and I don't know why that is.

If you work M-F then try it Friday night so you'll have a couple days to clear your head if you end up not liking it. Some pot, not all, can make me feel a bit fuzzy mentally the day after.

I mess around with it sometimes but I don't like how I feel when I use it regularly for more than 2-3 weeks. I haven't smoked in about a month and will probably go for a lot longer before doing it again. I tend to go on binges with it where I will use it for a month or 2 on a daily basis. The first 2 weeks are great. I feel relaxed and things are good.

After a few weeks of daily use, I start to get forgetful, lazier, and more beta all around. In addition to being more forgetful, I also get stressed out when I haven't smoked for awhile. Depending on how high my tolerance is, it can take anywhere from 2-12 hours of not smoking for me to start to feel annoyed and stressed. Smoking again relieves this feeling, but I don't like that I experience this addictive attachment to it.

Some people claim it's absolutely not addictive, but to me, it is a little bit but certainly not as bad as cigarettes (I quit those in 2010). I have an addictive personality though so it may be different for others.

I also don't do as well with women when I smoke regularly. A lot of women, not all, don't like it and won't date potheads.

With regular use, it also does some weird stuff to my digestive system that's hard to explain. In the beginning it's great. After 2-3 weeks of every day use, my body gives me signs that it's time to take a break.

I smoked a lot in July and August this year. Prior to that I hadn't touched it since June 2017. Like I said, I'm actually enjoying my break from it right now and won't be using for at least a few more months. When I do, I'll do it for a month or so and then take another long break. This is what works well for me.

Tldr: I don't feel like summarizing. Read it or skip.

generally speaking, it's a feeling of extreme calmness and euphoria. it's makes most people feel introspective, and you begin thinking about yourself, your life, and where you fit in the world. at least that's how i end up feeling whenever i get high.

the thing i would say though, is to not do it if you're not in a good state of mind. if things are not going well in your life, you will become depressed and will focus on those bad thoughts. i think with any type of drug, you shouldn't partake until you have your life sorted out. this is what i think leads to lots of abuse of drugs. using the drug as a means of coping. not a good thing to do.

Euphoria is the best way to describe it.
but to make it a simple as possible, its stronger then a cigarette, weaker then any form of alcohol.
Should look into wax, its healthier and higher percentage THC/CBD(what gets you high and the medical properties)

This is putting it bluntly(lol) <Moves>
So I'm going to be the contrarian here and say it might do nothing and be something you might have to fake to go along for the ride on.

I've told my story before here and apologize for the length but here is the short version.

- been around guys who smoke up all thru high school and Uni but never partook of it or any drug. Probably been hot boxed sitting in same room and passing it but never felt any affects

- decided for my 40th birthday with my ex and my prior business partner and his wife, when in Amsterdam that I was going to get high for the first time. My business partner was a regular pot head and a regular in Amsterdam with his favorite coffee shops.

- first night there the 4 of us get marijuana and a water bong. We all smoke (in through mouth, out through nose) and they all get high and giggly but i feel nothing. We eventually head to the clubs and I babysit 3 high folk.

- We go back to coffee shop second night and get a Hookah for our marijuana. Again they get high and I feel nothing. Babysitting again as we go out to the bars.

- third night back at coffee shop my business partner tells owner of my lack of getting high. He looks at me strangely and sends the 3 of them away to smoke the pot we bought. He tells me, however to sit with him up at the bar. He pulls out his own stash and starts to roll joints. I offer money and he say no. He lights the joint and take a haul and then gives it to me, indicates I should breath it in, he makes me hold it and indicates when I can exhale. We go back and forth and back and forth. I am still feeling nothing. But after a while it is clear he is getting high as shit. He is looking at me like I'm a freak.

Eventually my then wife and friends are ready to leave and they come upstairs to see me and are shocked I say I still feel nothing while the owner is looking baked. They walk past me ready to head out and it looks like I will be babysitting once again.

But as I stand up and go to follow them, I realize I cannot move. My then wife asks what is wrong and I say "my feet won't move'. I could not walk. Then I recall I am sitting on the ground and everyone is trying to get me to drink some water. I felt like I was gone for hours but apparently it was about 15 seconds.

They walk me back to the hotel and put me in the bed and I wake up the next morning feeling no hang over effects and no real recollection of any feeling of being high. So I went from nothing to pass out with nothing in between.

So the moral of the story TS is that you may feel nothing despite everyone telling you how much you will feel.
I heard your dick will fall off and your eyeballs will get hairy.