My Friends say I looked like Anthony Pettis

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similar mustache to this guy, maybe not as full...

I use Aloe Relief three times a day. I don't drink, I don't smoke, and I sleep early. You won't see any bags under these eyes

Thank you. Hopefully Aloe Relief can help clear my friends skin and he can finally step out of his mothers basement and meet a real girl. He is tired of kissing the computer screen.
Ha gaaaaay.

You also don't look like Pettis, you look like...
Anthony Pettis if he couldn't fight, got incarcerated for a few years as a Mexican American drug mule, was broken into somebody's prison bitch, and then let out to the world in all his new fabulosity.
Not too long ago, I was at UFC 181 and everyone was asking to take pictures with me at the lobby cause they thought I was friends all agree

God doesn't make mistake, he makes perfection

He perfected AIDS to give to your gay community. :icon_lol:

but in all honesty. No, just no.
Do you feel validated getting opinions from sherdoggers? If your friends say it and you think it why ask abunch of people who will talk shit to you?
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