Ms13 threaten to kill cops....

He is not anti-immigrant. You know his wife is one. He is anti-illegal alien and anti immigrants from places that are hostile to the free world. Try to not be such an ideologue and somewhat sophisticated instead. STRETCH!!!!!
Most guys are not anti immigrant if that immigrant is an attractive woman. If her name were Akbar and she was a man from Pakistan I doubt she would be here
Ms13 are animals. Their stupid fucking facial tattoos are laughable. Yes, I want to shave my eyebrows and put tattoos in their place as well as a bunch of other tats that look like they passed out at a party and someone brought a permanent marker. Fuck these guys with a pineapple. Give Christian another tat right next to the other dots on his face, I am thinking a .45 would make a nice hole.

I have no clue how you are doing and dealing with this issue in New York Area. But if we had these painted bandit-looking guys roaming our Swedish streets, I would not hesitate to think of them as criminals. No what ever poverty triggered background scenario this trio might have, doesn´t justify how they physcially represent themself for the outer world.

That shit makes Russian Mafia tattoos look classy:rolleyes:
are tattoos a requirement to be in the gang? i think an ms13 tatt is, but could you just get a small one on your upper arm and be done with it if you wanted?