Minneapolis PD: “Psych Evals Are Racist.”

Law and order is racist. We need to get rid of em!
Minnesota is known for its Scandinavian/Swedish population.

It's getting hard to believe that certain ethnic groups aren't doomed to behave one way when these people are separated geographically and have different cultures but are pulling off the same cuck shit
Its actually mostly German
Go see a head shrinker and find out.

Nah, I think Rikishi would just shove my face in his ass, and I'd probably die.
Law and order is racist. We need to get rid of em!

Well it is part of intersectionality right?


Intersectionality is a concept often used in critical theories to describe the ways in which oppressive institutions (racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, xenophobia, classism, etc.) are interconnected and cannot be examined separately from one another. The concept first came from legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989 and is largely used in critical theories, especially Feminist theory, when discussing systematic oppression. When possible, credit Kimberlé Crenshaw for coining the term "intersectionality" and bringing the concept to wider attention.
what does that have to do with this thread though?
Psych Evals Are Racist.

The more diversified a country gets the more race becomes an issue. Every race and religion will have to be represented in every police force and government position through out the entire country. The oversight needed for that is crazy. Complete domination over society to maintain strict diversity.

The progressive future is a nightmare.
The psyop campaign to cripple this country continues
Psych Evals Are Racist.

The more diversified a country gets the more race becomes an issue. Every race and religion will have to be represented in every police force and government position through out the entire country. The oversight needed for that is crazy. Complete domination over society to maintain strict diversity.

The progressive future is a nightmare.

so you're saying there aren't cases at all there non-whites are discriminated against?