Meryl Streep says:"MMA Isn't an Art" at the Golden Globes

I heard that, and it pissed me off to no end. You just know she touts ballet dancers as artists (for the record, I have no problem with that) but martial artists, who train their bodies just as hard, are nothing but cockfighting thugs. Fuck her and her superiorism and every pandering sycophant who touts her "artistic" pedigree as somehow giving her the right to say what is and what isn't "art".

You're accepting an award, you snotty witch. Keep your politics in your tampon purse along with your snobbism.
Does she not know that the UFC's champions lineup is more diverse than Hollywood?
Actors butthurt some guys can throw a pig skin around and make what they've made their whole lives in 1 year
Anybody see Amy Schumer cheer in the background as she said that? Isnt she BFFs with Ronda?
when will celebrities learn that their opinions don't matter
You seen the tantrums some of them had about the result of the US presidential election? They aren't about to learn, mate.

are you for real? Don't insult a lady's looks just because her truthful statement triggered you.
That jawline


Streep holds the all time Oscar nomination record for an actor with NINETEEN. No one else even comes close. She is one of only five actors to have won 3 oscars. She also has the most nominations in Golden Globe history with 23 total. Her domination of the industry can only be compared to the mythical Ronda as described by a tearful Joe Rogan- except Streep is real.

You bums better take her name off your filthy mouths.

Streep Bless.
Hollywood and pop culture stopped being about the arts a fucking long time ago. It's all about $$$$$$.

True art will always be out of the mainstream and in the underground.
What a pompous , out of touch , good for nothing schill.

Streep holds the all time Oscar nomination record for an actor with NINETEEN. No one else even comes close. She is one of only five actors to have won 3 oscars. She also has the most nominations in Golden Globe history with 23 total. Her domination of the industry can only be compared to the mythical Ronda as described by a tearful Joe Rogan- except Streep is real.

You bums better take her name off your filthy mouths.

Streep Bless.

Pssshhh. Give me Jenna Jameson any day of the week. Now THAT is a real actress
"if you kick them out you'll have nothing to watch but mma"

So in other words it would not make the slightest difference in my life either way
She said the arts.

I don't typically group Mma with music, film, dance, etc. So the statement is fairly accurate.

But still what a weird point to make.
She says "they are not the arts."

Not "It isn't an art."

Too late though cause all you little cucks got triggered by an old lady. Insecure much?