Meme Thread: v2

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This response was weak af.

Your performance ITT is so weak, and your defense of the left so misguided, that you forced me to white knight a guy like @TheComebackKid.

Agreed that the memes attacking the left are spot on, and the counter attacks against the right are pathetic.

It just goes to show that, although both your ideologies suck, the left SUCKS SOOOO BAD RIGHT NOW lol

You're a shitfest right now the left.


According to the sources, if you remove all religious donations, rich liberals donate slightly more overall than poor conservatives (but a far smaller percentage of income) but still donate less than rich conservatives

Is that split out of religious donations in the first link? I couldn't get it to work.

I personally am interested in real charity not just tax deductible donations.

But thanks for the links.

Well if someone is afraid to touch an inanimate object like a gun then there's nothing more I can do but call them a fucking pussy. Sorry. I don't make up the rules.

You really think most anti gun people would be afraid to touch them?

Sure a few maybe but it would be extremely retarded to apply that idea over a large number of people.

I presume i am mistaken so I have to ask what you are talking about?
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