Melania Trump calls for Deputy National Security adviser to be fired.

Nope. I already listed what she did, you listing it again + a lie added onto it is not going to change it. Mrs Obama let her license to practice expire 5 years after getting it and the last 2 of those years she was NOT employed for her law degree.

Licensed in '88, walked away in 91', license experied in 93' Zero court appearances. Bye.
Not appearing in court doesn't mean she didn't have a career, not earning a paycheck would mean that and was she or was she not employed during that time? And she let her license become inactive because she didn't want to actually fees for a license that she wasn't using since she had a career in a field that didn't require a law license for its use. So even after she wasn't a practicing attorney, she still had a career and was independent.
Not appearing in court doesn't mean she didn't have a career.

Career "A career is an individual's metaphorical "journey" through learning, work and other aspects of life."

3 years, walked away without even taking part in the vast majority of the industry she worked in.

Ballsy wearing a horses tail on your head while riding a horse. Where I come from that's dissing of our 4 footed friends.
He's Bloodworth, mr. 8th grade trim, who was banned.....
Ah that makes sense.
Always talking about 8th grade trim and getting upset at schoolbusses full of "Non American looking" kids.