Meet Goldman Sachs, the Vampire Squid, and it's history of evil.

Did you listen to the video OP posted?

Golden Sachs, one of the biggest banks in the world, makes 1/4 of it's profit on being an actual bank. That's what you think of them as, an investment bank.

The other 3/4 of it's profit comes from manipulating the market through futures, trading, securities, hedging, etc. Essentially, most of what it does is take a ton of money (real money) and artificially inflate the economy with it, and hedge off profits that do not really exist, but they can always print it off. They can cripple economies single handedly, have created a bubble and had it burst on them in the recent past (real estate), and OWN our country's federal reserve. The United States is in debt, yet the (((banksters))) are making record profits. Why?
Sherdog told me that when you use too many parenthesis you really mean Jews. Do you not like Jews? Just curious.
How much revenue has Goldman Sachs generated and how much has the TS generated?
How much in taxes has Goldman Sachs paid, and how much has the TS paid?

Entirely irrelevant to the discussion. Strike it from the record. Sustained.