Mayberry Weight Cutting Crew Official Thread (summer cutters gtfih)

1. Go clothes shopping, buy some high class clothes
2. Get a haircut, trim your facial hair to look your best
3. Go to clubs/bars/gyms and pick up a nice, wholesome Boise Dime (or LA 4)
4. Woo her off her feet, promise her the world, get her to move in with you
5. Beat her relentlessly for every trivial thing. "Meatloaf again!?! Where's my shoe!?"
6. The extra cardio from all the savage, but necessary beatings will help manage your weight
7. ????**
8. Profit

** = more beatings
1. Go clothes shopping, buy some high class clothes
2. Get a haircut, trim your facial hair to look your best
3. Go to clubs/bars/gyms and pick up a nice, wholesome Boise Dime (or LA 4)
4. Woo her off her feet, promise her the world, get her to move in with you
5. Beat her relentlessly for every trivial thing. "Meatloaf again!?! Where's my shoe!?"
6. The extra cardio from all the savage, but necessary beatings will help manage your weight
7. ????**
8. Profit

** = more beatings
lolol wtf
alright boyos thats it. im turning this ship back around!

I had one last dominos pasta bread bowl and im never looking back!!
Try intermittent fasting, that way you can get your gorge on but still lose weight
this really is best for gluttonous pigs who want to stay ripped. You get the mental satisfaction of eating well beyond fullness because you gotta squeeze a days worth of food into one meal. And as long as you comply with the protocol, your body quickly adapts so you dont even feel the hunger during the fasting period. The one annoyance is that it can be burdensome to social activity planning.
i too, am shaped like the sloth bear after a long time of just not caring.

if you figure it out let me know, i'm struggling to keep up my daily walks let alone get back into weights.
Go to the cheapest meat market around and buy a pork shoulder that is heavily discounted, like use by 2 days ago discounted. Let her sit in the car for a couple hours so it gets nice and warm. Now make some carnitas con trichinosis.

Are you going to eat it or date it?
Don't be ashamed of your disgusting, bloated, enormous, flabby, embarrassing, pathetic, gross, engorged, sad, meat vessel. Don't let others tell you how to feel about your unhealthy choice to bypass willpower and effort and keep getting those sweet sweet drops of serotonin and dopamine. #nomorefatshaming....
Combine that with the ketogenic diet and you've got yourself a potent fat incinerating diet.

I know dudes that did that combo and lost a bunch of fat like astonishingly fast. However they say that you gotta make sure you keep the protein intake high or else you be losing dem gains.
I know dudes that did that combo and lost a bunch of fat like astonishingly fast. However they say that you gotta make sure you keep the protein intake high or else you be losing dem gains.

Fat, actually. I only take about 150-180 g of protein a day and I'm doing fine. I weigh 210 lbs right now.
Fat, actually. I only take about 150-180 g of protein a day and I'm doing fine. I weigh 210 lbs right now.
Got a buddy who's done a few cuts/bulks on keto and he says his biggest takeaway is to keep the protein high during cuts (he lost too much strength when the protein was too low), which I guess goes against what many keto people do. I don't know too much about keto though. No way I could do it, love my carbs too much.
Got a buddy who's done a few cuts/bulks on keto and he says his biggest takeaway is to keep the protein high during cuts (he lost too much strength when the protein was too low), which I guess goes against what many keto people do. I don't know too much about keto though. No way I could do it, love my carbs too much.

Yes, but the key is to keep the protein intake at a moderate amount (for me it's about 0.8 gram per lbs of bodyweight). Going overboard on your protein consumption can produce an anti-ketogenic effect: some of the protein will be converted to glucose and can knock you out of ketosis.
How do I snap out of this brahs? I started my summer cut back in January... went from 226 to 206, still needed to cut another 15-20 before I was shredded but I was well on my way.

Then I relapsed...

and relapsed again...

and again...

and again...

any time I have an opportunity to shovel good food down my gullet I can't stop myself. I dont WANT to stop myself. I have no will to restrict my calories. WTF is this!!

Now I'm back up to 218 and it just keeps stacking on.....


update page 2!
alright boyos thats it. im turning this ship back around!

I had one last dominos pasta bread bowl and im never looking back!!

"Dominos pasta bread bowl"


What's wrong with America and these types of meals? Shit carbs, filled with more shit carbs and cheap cheese, topped with the lowest quality meat possible....

This would not last more than a couple of months on a menu in most European countries.
And what product is this?
dont remember the exact product name, just remember them being popular. There were certain scent based products and then there were taste based that you could chew, mostly mint based and such. Kinda like when you brush your teeth and then if you try to eat something it tastes like crap, only those things worked even stronger.
I was 218 too, last year. Now, I'm closing in on ConorWeight. You don't have to stop eating. Change what you eat! Hungy? Eat a whole bowl of vegetables! It's not good enough for you? See you later, fatty. The choice is yours: have fun, eat and be fat. Or be disciplined, cut back on fat food and feel better about yourself.

No need to be buff to be in shape, either. Just lose the excess fat and you'll feel much better.
Try intermittent fasting, that way you can get your gorge on but still lose weight
Advise TS on an acceptable fasting interval. I've heard 24 hours with just water is great for the body.