Math Journals Bullied into depublishing math models on gender differences.

Irrelevant, I am talking about hyper competent people. Hyper competent people almost never go to jail, and they almost always make use of their opportunities. In modern western societies (all of them), a hyper competent individual can attain a full ride scholarship to any school. If you come from a distressed area, the requirements for this aren't even particularly onerous. There is undoubtedly an opportunity gap based on environment but it is the smallest in history. I am up for hearing realistic ways the opportunity gap could be closed but realistically without a willingness to adopt completely different sociological dynamics within specific cultural communities, closing that gap is all but in impossible and would require a grotesquely unjustifiable wealth transfer from one community to another in perpetuity. Even if you believe in the notion that capital has no inherent moral economic return there will still be an ongoing wealth and opportunity disparity by some measure proportional to the productivity disparity. At which point normalization of social wealth between communities becomes what can only legitimately called theft.
