Mark Rippetoe Talks Girly Men and Crossfit || Louder With Crowder

Yeah touché you do have a good point

With that said, strength training is always feasible in some way, shape or form. It's just about finding what works and barbell squats are not always that. I say that as someone who likes squatting.
I stopped watching Rip videos. He has no concept of when he does or doesn't have an informed opinion about something anymore, and is constantly veering off to give his opinion on how he personally disproved climate change, peer review is worthless, engineering is the only form of actual science, and how it's impossible to train vegetarians. Literally everything i would ever want to learn from someone who's specialty is Starting Strength would be better gotten from the Barbell Medicine guys at this point.

BBM is just as bad and just as good as Aasgard Co. Look, Rip doesn't have you high bar, he has you squat in a style that you need to buy a book to learn and hire a coach to nail perfectly. His intermediate programs are Glenn Pendlay's Texas Method and Bill Starr's HLM. Feigenbaum says that because strength is nuanced he has you learn the same style of squat as SS so he can sell you a slot in a seminar and shits on strawmen programs (very specific TM and 5/3/1 sample templates) and tells you the only way to get stronger is using his rebranded RTS programs with overhead pressing.

Here's the crazy thing, SS breakways (BBM, exodus guys Johnny Pain) say noobs don't even need to do an LP and it doesn't even matter in the long run (3+ years)!

Also Rippetoe writes racist BDSM cuckold erotica
With that said, strength training is always feasible in some way, shape or form. It's just about finding what works and barbell squats are not always that. I say that as someone who likes squatting.

Black belt in sherdog opinions
Crowder speaks the truth a lot.

This transcends to the combat sport vs traditional / flashy martial arts vs street self defence. What's better for a real situation?

He had a good section on this. I'm not sure who the big guy in this vid is but he makes some valid points too.
TLDR you can learn basically everything you need to know from Urbans Soapbox srs
Hmmm... Starting Strength... never heard of that. I'll have to check that out.
Link? Asking for a friend...:oops:
Read at your own peril. I haven't read it, but supposedly it's him that wrote it:

"it's not under his name, but it's him. the originating email was his and was once listed on wfac's website, I believe. Mentioning this is probably the second quickest way to get banned on SS now, lolz."

Don't know the full story behind it, so at this point I couldn't say if it's legit.