Lost a close friend to suicide recently, have a hard time coping.

Suicide is trippy AF...

Just last Xmas season I ran into a lawyer I used to intern for...

Him and I shot the shit, caught up, laughed...

Week later, I see on Facebook people saying rip to this guy...

I was like WTF?!?!?!?

Turns out he hung himself...

Nothing in our interaction indicated that this man was on the edge.
I know how you feel. To be honest it's not something you ever get over. My uncle who I was very close to and who was the toughest man I ever met hung himself. I've always viewed it as a accident, with a clear mind he never would have done it. No note, no explanation, at least he didn't do it in the house, he walked far into the woods to do it.

All the best sherbro. Try and stay as strong as you can for the family and friends
I am sorry to hear that, mentall illness is really difficult to understand sometimes it just happens people die from it.