Looking for exercises for hip tendonitis


White Belt
May 15, 2016
Reaction score
Hi All,

I think I'm developing tendonitis in my hip (I've had tendonitis in other places already) and before it gets to where I need a doctor and a script for therapy, I'd like to do what I can to strengthen things and loosen up the area.

The pain seems to be at the head of the rectus femoris, where it connects to the bone. It will burn from long periods of sitting or when I lift my knee to chamber a roundhouse kick( think Kyokushin round house, where the knee is high up to the side, tucked behind your elbow before you swing the hip over). I don't feel any pain if I throw knee kicks or lift the knee in front for a front snap kick.

I suspect something is overcompensating in the area. I have even noticed that my left leg(problem side) is a little smaller/less muscular than the right. So I know this is becoming a long term problem.

My regular leg day routine consists of squats, dead lifts, and pistol squats. I first noticed this pain about a month ago after sitting in "kiba dachi" - a deep horseback stance position that the whole class had to sit in, with each student counting to 20. It was unfortunately a big class. I'm pretty sure my stance is correct because I don't collapse my knees, but I suspect another muscle somewhere is compensating when I lift my leg. I also have intermittent knee pain, which is probably related to the hip.

Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!