Look at Melendez's leg after the fight. The man showed the heart of a true warrior

It was amazing he was able to survive until the end of the fight. After such display of heart, he just made me a bigger fan.


A big mistake that many people make is labeling a person with "heart of the champ" when they don't quit in an unwinnable situation.

It is so childish. Melendez did what comes second naturally to him, continue on. It would have taken more guts to just throw the towel in, because he wasn't even fighting to win but just to hang on, and look "tough."

You can call what The Damage did against Bektic "heart the champ" because even after the damage, he fought to win the fight.

Melendez on the other hand was just on zombie mode. He would have been much tougher if he quit, because that is something that goes against the gym-bro mentality, and would have been more difficult for him to do.

Sometimes just limping along is the easiest thing to do.