Live ISS space walk stream

jefferz, you are doing a good service to Sherdog with these threads my bro.
While we argue about Conor Mcneverdefend and Amy Schumer, you're reminding everybody that humanity is moving forward.
fake. gravity doesn't exist.


please show these fools how you debunked every known formula "proving" that gravity exists, to be false.
I wanted to be an astronaut
Until I realized that being in orbit isn't like deep space, away from a gravitational source...
It's not like floating in a pool

You're always feeling like you're falling
Falling without wind
Your nuts are trying to hide inside your body
Your inner ear is saying "fuck this", your gut doesn't know what to do
I wanted to be an astronaut
Until I realized that being in orbit isn't like deep space, away from a gravitational source...
It's not like floating in a pool

You're always feeling like you're falling
Falling without wind
Your nuts are trying to hide inside your body
Your inner ear is saying "fuck this", your gut doesn't know what to do
I don't think you'd know the difference.
jefferz, you are doing a good service to Sherdog with these threads my bro.
While we argue about Conor Mcneverdefend and Amy Schumer, you're reminding everybody that humanity is moving forward.
Thank you sir.
What makes you say such a thing?
Free fall is pretty different than an absence of gravity
They should feel the same. You only feel forces in orbit if there is something causing sensations, and nothing does in either case. Even on earth, you don't feel the "force" of gravity; you feel the force of the floor pushing you up so that you don't start falling under gravity's influence. In orbit, there is no floor, so you don't feel gravity.

You might imagine a force pushing on your spacesuit which then pushes against you. But in orbit, the force on your spacesuit causes an acceleration of the spacesuit that's exactly the acceleration that your body experiences, so there will be no relative difference in the motion of your body and your spacesuit, so you won't feel anything.

Or you might imagine your left arm feeling a different force than your right, and so feeling pulled apart. But the accelerations they experience in orbit will be the same, so their relative positions won't change, and you won't feel any difference.

(Technically, there might be minuscule differences referred to as tidal forces. These should be measurable by extremely sensitive instruments, but not by humans orbiting anything humans are likely to orbit any time soon.)
I remember as a kid growing up, a stupid "fact" we used to tell to impress others was that you should never fart & burp at the same time in space, otherwise you would die. your internal organs would split from the opposing pressure being forced because there's no gravity to balance it out.

still makes me chuckle when I think about it.
They should feel the same. You only feel forces in orbit if there is something causing sensations, and nothing does in either case. Even on earth, you don't feel the "force" of gravity; you feel the force of the floor pushing you up so that you don't start falling under gravity's influence. In orbit, there is no floor, so you don't feel gravity.

You might imagine a force pushing on your spacesuit which then pushes against you. But in orbit, the force on your spacesuit causes an acceleration of the spacesuit that's exactly the acceleration that your body experiences, so there will be no relative difference in the motion of your body and your spacesuit, so you won't feel anything.

Or you might imagine your left arm feeling a different force than your right, and so feeling pulled apart. But the accelerations they experience in orbit will be the same, so their relative positions won't change, and you won't feel any difference.

(Technically, there might be minuscule differences referred to as tidal forces. These should be measurable by extremely sensitive instruments, but not by humans orbiting anything humans are likely to orbit any time soon.)
While correct, it's still hard to sort out. Conditionally, with respect to acceleration and distance, that feeling of falling does appear to take place, though astronauts get used to it. But they definitely notice the difference.
The tidal force, I wouldn't think that would be noticeable.
this is so cool, Sherdog space club in the house, thanks for the heads up
switched to the FB stream and the chatroom is all about flat earth, troll around the planet
I knew it!
This proves that there are no earth!
You cant see it in the background which means the earth does not exist!
I knew it!
This proves that there are no earth!
You cant see it in the background which means the earth does not exist!
What's truly weird is that anyone ever believed the Earth "theory" in the first place
Fuck "Sir" Isaac Newton. These bookish nerds think they're so smart
The guy said that another invisible force exists because allegedly an apple fell from a tree. Density and buoyancy explains things perfectly.