Lifting weights in the morning on an empty stomach?


Black Belt
Apr 13, 2012
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Does anyone do it? I really enjoy it but I read some articles that it makes you lose muscle mass.

I can't. Makes me wanna hurl and no energy. I like to eat a big meal around 8am and lift around noon after it's digested and I'm feeding off of it.
Cosmo isn't credible.

Just feed afterwards. Lots of people train this way. It might not be the supersest ideal way, but you're not anyone who should likely worry about what's ideal. So do what you can when you can!
I used to get up in the morning and do a sandbag circuit before breakfast...It was hell to get through. I noticed after eating my energy was through the ceiling. After work at night I would go to the gym to lift and I felt great. The fat seemed to melt off and I was getting stronger with no muscle loss. I would also eat a metric fuckton, never ate so much food in my

Everything I've read about training and eating says that if you train on an empty stomach it's bad for you...Yet the best training years of my life were done this way and I wish I could go back to it now.(Injuries from many sources have forced me to slow down.)
Sure you can.

You need to ensure your glycogen is restored if you intend to do a high intensity workout (be it lifting, Martial arts or HIT). Just eat slow digesting carbs the previous night.

I do this.

Before my workout, I'll have a cup of Tea or coffee, some dates, a piece of dark chocolate and Iam ready to go. Honestly, I prefer to not eat big meals before heavy workouts. Gives me gastric discomfort.
It's not too bad. I train every morning before I have anything solid to eat. I quite often have a small can of Red Bull on the way to the gym or something for some quick, easy carbohydrates, but I never really eat before training. I think if strength is the focus, eating at some stage before you train is a good idea, but as I'm all about dat skinny life I gotta choose between eating before and eating after training. Eating after wins for me.
I like to eat an apple and drink a cup of coffee before a morning workout. I start my workout just 25 to 30 minutes later and I feel really intense and powerful.
Been doing it for years, never had a problem with it and I tend to feel great for the rest of the day.
I eat the heart of one of my enemies and wash it down with a heaping scoop of PWO.

But ya, training on an empty stomach is fine as long as you feel alright. I dont like to train on an empty stomach, but a lot of people dont like to train after eating. Just depends on the person.
If you have trouble with energy in the morning, load up on carbs at night so you've got fuel in your system when you work out in the morning before breakfast. And/or have a piece of fruit and a coffee before and the rest of your breakfast after.

But training on an empty stomach shouldn't hurt you.

That's not me in the video.

Before my workout in the morning I drink the cotton candy flavor bang drinks. It has zero calories, zero carbs, and it's full of bcaa to preserve muscle while you burn fat. It's delicious and it's like a energy drink like no other. It also suppresses my hunger.
I train at 7-7.30AM and eat at 1PM. Sometimes I fast the whole day so I don't eat anything before 7-8PM. In that case I try to take some BCAAs, but not each time.
Results are good so far (9 months in, fat loss oriented).
I cant do it, need a decent meal.

Last Saturday downed a salad and a protein shake then went to the gym. Got through most my stuff but on the final exercise just didnt have the energy so did a half ass set and called it.
I train at 7-7.30AM and eat at 1PM. Sometimes I fast the whole day so I don't eat anything before 7-8PM. In that case I try to take some BCAAs, but not each time.
Results are good so far (9 months in, fat loss oriented).
How much weight did you lose?
^ Around 10 kg so far (too lazy atm to give you this in lbs). I'm 1.95m, started at around 95-97 kg. Strength is same or better, abs are starting to show, so I guess so far so good.
If you can do it, it works, keep doing it.

I am doing intermittent fasting myself too with a doctor prescribed GI diet. I've lost about 30 pounds since around Easter.

"Eat. Stop. Eat." is a good e-book that has studies about fitness and eating myths.
My girlfriend doesn't keep alot of food in the house so I've been hitting the gym on very light I am not trying to lose weight I usually make up the difference by having a bigger dinner I do feel a lil tired once I get past the hour mark working out...that could result from any number of factors...not enough water etc.. if u can perform well there's nothing wrong with eating after....I would say that if u are trying to really have endurance for more than an hour worth of we or then u should eat something before hand.