Lift Weights, Eat More Protein, Especially if You’re Over 40

LMAO. I've got some more breaking news for your thread:


What ?! When ??
Gross. I know a lot of people do that when they are lifting a lot, especially with starting strength, and it seems to work as far as getting stronger, but that can't be good for you in terms of overall health

Why ? Milk is a great thing.
you would not even need to use it forever. use something else to cut real lean and retain or gain noob muscle gains while cutting (most guys start off skinny fat or fat/chubby). then once you super skinny but lean from the drugs, get on tren ace and bulk but do not eat like total shit. rinse and repeat. you would not lose 100% of gains be ways to maintain some % of it.

I did a tren and winstrol cycle... Wow
Don’t tell me what to do.
Aaaah. I need winstrol finish my cut and have little muscle loss gains. Then need tren for that bulk.
Winstrol is the one they use to maintain lean hard muscle while burning fat off, think zac efron in baywwatch
Winstrol is the one they use to maintain lean hard muscle while burning fat off, think zac efron in baywwatch

I read it is great for skinny fat guys. If you cut while skinny fat better than bulking and getting fatter but with it you won' lose much muscle or any.