Liberal Dem NY GOV Andrew Cuomo: America 'was never that great'


Black Belt
May 24, 2007
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Cuomo will never have a shot at a 2020 Dem nomination. He might be the single most hated Democrat by the party's left faction.
Also, he kinda looks like Vince McMahon
The tough question is always: compared to what?

As liberal governments go America has a great run by an objective standard. If we compare it to things we wish were true, then there will be problems, but compared to the governments and societies we have all the free trade has made us much more prosperous, liberty has given us a wealth of ideas, and competition and innovation many wonders of technology.

Beating the Nazi's and Bolsheviks is also worth due thanks.
The tough question is always: compared to what?

As liberal governments go America has a great run by an objective standard. If we compare it to things we wish were true, then there will be problems, but compared to the governments and societies we have all the free trade has made us much more prosperous, liberty has given us a wealth of ideas, and competition and innovation many wonders of technology.

Beating the Nazi's and Bolsheviks is also worth due thanks.

It would be more accurate to say the Bolsheviks beat the Nazis......and the Bolsheviks beat the Bolsheviks.
Somebody needs to inform the all the illegal immigrants. They haven't gotten that message yet.
All this shit is such 85 IQ uneducated presumptuous bullshit. Fucking hell, just stfu. Seriously would like to know what he thought he'd accomplish with that statement.

Somebody needs to inform the all the illegal immigrants. They haven't gotten that message yet.

Another Democrat hating America, i would gadly accepted this bid from him, if he moves to a country that he thinks is "great".
Go Cuomo, go!
Another for the gulag. So many Liberal talking bobbleheads, so little concertina wire.
Just the richest, most powerful nation ever. 1st to put a man on the moon. Yup was never was great.

The left wants a European Socialist/communist country with demographics that match South America and Africa...of course they hate this country
It would be more accurate to say the Bolsheviks beat the Nazis......and the Bolsheviks beat the Bolsheviks.

The Bolsheviks had one thing going for them... dogged determination. At Stalingrad the Nazi's were endlessly frustrated at how the Red Army was willing to dig in so tight, so close, and ferry troops across the river time and time again.

Then again, I wonder where a vast some of the material came from, not to mention the naval and air power that kept the Atlantic and later Pacific open.

Hearing about the efforts to save the Yorktown is also harrowing reading.

When it comes to the Bolsheviks beating the Bolsheviks?

If the world were a non-competitive enterprise, and if there was no USA, free Europe, or other places of comparative prosperity to look at, there would be a case for that.

Yet the Bolsheviks were victims to trying to compete against the most competitive and ambitious economic, strategic, adaptive, far reaching, and organized military power.

They could not control the narrative either, as East Berlin had a West Berlin to look at, and those in Eastern Europe could more than guess that there was an alternative to Party and tyranny.

Much in the same way that today those in Shenzhen, despite all the hyper Nationalist rhetoric and lies of the Party, realize that Hong Kong, Taipei, and Singapore worked economically, culturally, and in terms of humanity far better than what was built by the hammer or cleaved by the sickle.

They can literally see the results and the grim alternatives.
Hasn’t this been a talking point used by numerous democrats since the ‘16 campaign? I actually thought it was the default democrat platform
America not great?

Well, then the rest of the world must be a shithole.
