Let's hear your acts of kindness/honour.

I have nursed many rescue cats back to full health, I've had cats that have been hit by cars, too cats that have extreme fear or humans or any other animal. Also have painted and decorated my local cat sanctuary for free, and the paints cost over $400 and there is many rooms to paint in that place.

I will also be doing that forever until I am no longer able to physically do it. I do it from my heart because I genuinely adore cats and it kills me to see them in so much pain and distress.
I have seen misspellings onto which I never rained down the thunder.

I always give coins to beggars that ask me correctly.

I avoided to fuck some chicks because of friendship.

Not a christian but just for that I think I deserve a few heaven points.
I participated in gutting over 20 homes after hurricane harvey.
i was leaving the liquor store after work one day, and there was a woman with two small kids walking to her left and right. as we are about to pass each other, the girl to the woman's left slips on the sidewalk, and i grab the kid before she hits her knee on the sidewalk. the woman says thank you so much, and i say no problem, and continue walking.
I used to answer the national suicide hotline (true story).

Have helped a bunch of random homeless people buying blankets and socks and shit.

Just posted another one in the street fight thread where I gave a guy that tried to mug me a couple bucks after choking him unconscious.
Saw a post I thought was pretty bad, but the guy had a terrible post/like ratio so I gave him a like anyway

Getting soft bro?

I gave a big cash money tip to a waitress the other day because she had that wonderful sluttly look with extra big fake breasts.
Once I didn't beat up this kid for mad doggin' me.
Kid was staring at me like he wanted to see my soul.

After a half an hour worth of his mom pleading that he was blind and had no idea where he was looking, I patiently slid off my brass knuckles and walked away without doing anything.

You know.... I felt like the bigger man that day.
Still feels good to reflect back on it.