Leading intellectual and free speech warrior Dave Rubin returns to comedy to save it from SJWs.

Making stand-up comedy about politics is always going to be a failure. You can make fun of politics and politicians all you want, but you should never truly give up who you root for, because it automatically eliminates a part of the audience.

A comedian shouldn't lock themselves in a box. Rubin already did so with that statement about "returning to comedy" because of "leftists". He should have just said that he returned to comedy because other comedians were unfunny and overtly political and preachy.
Dave Rubin a leading intellectual?

Holy shit you must live in a really small pond.
The Koch brothers cut his pay or something?

Dave Rubin a leading intellectual?

Holy shit you must live in a really small pond.
I think it was a joke. And I'd wager a better one than Rubin could come up with.
I'm not sure what he means? How has the comedy of leftist comics suffered? Of course, I'm not interested enough in the answer to check out this guy's material.
Dave Rubin a leading intellectual?

Holy shit you must live in a really small pond.

He's top five among purported intellectuals whose surnames are homophones for gross white people foods.
I like Rubin and his style of interviews. But intellectual? Nein.
Who? Never heard of him but sounds like a tool. I only want comedians to try and be funny not have some bullshit pseudo moral high ground agenda.
I listen to him but his podcast has honestly gotten old because he really doesn't have any depth beyond the initial point of fighting political correctness. I've heard him try to crack jokes at live events and they didn't land well. I can't imagine he's going to be that great. I wonder if he is going back because he has an iche for it or because the podcast isn't as successful anymore. Seems like he put a bunch of money into a studio just last year
Dave Rubin a leading intellectual?

Holy shit you must live in a really small pond.

It's amazing that political discourse has regressed to the level where anybody think that thread title was unironic.
I listen to him but his podcast has honestly gotten old because he really doesn't have any depth beyond the initial point of fighting political correctness. I've heard him try to crack jokes at live events and they didn't land well. I can't imagine he's going to be that great. I wonder if he is going back because he has an iche for it or because the podcast isn't as successful anymore. Seems like he put a bunch of money into a studio just last year

The Koch brothers are very generous when subsidizing propagandists.
I like Rubin and his style of interviews. But intellectual? Nein.

You mean understanding any given topic on a totally superficial level and letting the interviewee, who almost always has a similar political orientation, blather on unchecked and unchallenged?
Who the fook is this guy?

Fuck I miss Patrice O’neal he would have had a field day the last couple years
You mean understanding any given topic on a totally superficial level and letting the interviewee, who almost always has a similar political orientation, blather on unchecked and unchallenged?
If that's how you want to look at it then fill your boots, or check out the channel 4 interview of Peterson. He lets his guests speak and flesh out their ideas. I like that as his conversational style allows his guest to showcase unfiltered content.
Nothing against his show, but I don't think he'd make a good comedian.
this is a win for the MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS

did i say i support free speech btw?
u know dave is a prostitute and i always enjoy a good dave meme but ngl this peternorway guy is obnoxious as fuck
It's amazing that political discourse has regressed to the level where anybody think that thread title was unironic.
Thank Gay Jesus. Sorry man, I should have known

and lol