Korean brownbelt in BJJ randomly challenges a rusty Gracie Combatives blue belt on a beach?


Dragon Slayer
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Thoughts on this? Don't know why I found the video so interesting, but I did.
Haha I was chatting with the blue belt in the comments.
That brown belt was meh... Not sure about rankings in Korea, or at his gym. It goes to show how subjective belt colors are.
The video is either slowed down or REALLY LOW FPS
Haha I was chatting with the blue belt in the comments.
That brown belt was meh... Not sure about rankings in Korea, or at his gym. It goes to show how subjective belt colors are.
He moved well and was fast, but hip movement did have issues and clearly, he wasn't cutting any angles on his triangle, just doing it from straight-on, hips parallel. You can definitely hit triangles with your hips parallel to your opponent, but he wasn't controlling posture at all either. But I think with his movement he could be a real monster if he keeps training and improving.
He moved well and was fast, but hip movement did have issues and clearly, he wasn't cutting any angles on his triangle, just doing it from straight-on, hips parallel. You can definitely hit triangles with your hips parallel to your opponent, but he wasn't controlling posture at all either. But I think with his movement he could be a real monster if he keeps training and improving.
Yep. A couple other things that looked more blue beltish. When he had the back and went for that armbar, he put his head the wrong way. You have to go toward their hips, not the other direction.

Also there's no way that choke should have finished him. He made no attempt to get his back to the ground, didn't hand fight, nothing. He could be a brown belt, I've seen a couple that were worse, but they were old guys who had they symbolic belt for being on the mats for a long time.
I don't think that guy is a brown belt, I'd say a decent blue belt, maybe a purple. The other guy was also a blue but much bigger and stronger.
Brown belts should not screw up these triangles like that.
a brown belt shouldn't have this much trouble with a blue belt.
Depends on the size/weight advantage... I'm brown and there's some really big strong blue-purple belt guys where i train that give all us browns a hard time.. plus factor in no gi and it changes a lot of things.. plus he let dude start from mount...
Are we all forgetting they are outside and not on a perfect flat set of thick arse mats? Starts from mount and then gets countered when he goes for the speedy tap.
BJJ is good but they are both trained here. The UFC showed how big a difference trained vs untrained makes, we have also seen how specific training to negate jiu jitsu can also counter really good BJJ players when other facotrs are considered.
We know really little about both challengers

I saw any kind of ability diversity at blue belts, and while browns are generally good I saw some really mediocre ones here and there

It's really not this surprising imho