Kevin Lee to assist Floyd Mayweather with preparations for McGregor

Why does Floyd need to prepare for a boxing match?

Are you serious? WTF?
Floyd could hire the comedian, Bobby Lee, from Madtv, as his 1 and only sparring partner, and still the fight will be a cake walk.
Kevin Lee is so full of......who...who is this?

He did it because he just needs bodies, it's not like Kevin Lee will be his only training partner and he can probably get him for cheap. That and Kevin Lee is one of Jeff Mayweather's fighters. Kevin Lee is just going to rotate through for one or two sessions.
jeff mayweathr as nothing to do with kevin lee
Fuck Kevin Lee... I'm all about that Miss Lee interviewer
Sorry, I should have clarified
I didn't mean Jeff Mayweather is his primary trainer
I mean he's one of Jeff's fighters in that they seem close - there are half a dozen boxing news interviews of them together on various subjects (mostly Rousey and Conor)
i am responsible for most of those interviews :). jeff is dewey's trainer when he fights and they have been together for years. thats why they end up together a lot. its a small gym and they are around each other alot. and since i hold the camera and kevin and jeff aretwo of the people i am closest to in the gym, i have them together alot. plus they both have the same sense of humor.
i am responsible for most of those interviews :). jeff is dewey's trainer when he fights and they have been together for years. thats why they end up together a lot. its a small gym and they are around each other alot. and since i hold the camera and kevin and jeff aretwo of the people i am closest to in the gym, i have them together alot. plus they both have the same sense of humor.
gotcha, thanks for the clarifaction! was legit curious about that one
I'm trying to get my head around the concept of Kevin Lee helping the greatest boxer of our generation, to prepare for a Boxing match.

Can someone please help me on this?


What does Kevin Lee possibly offer Mayweather to help him prepare for a boxing match?

Makes sense to me, if you're going to face mma level boxing, then spar with an mma level boxer
There are only two reasons to watch that video
After two full pages in this thread nobody has paused to think that Mayweather actually wouldnt be well served by only sparring with technically cultivated boxers when he's going to fight an mma boxer? Of fucking course he should get MMA fighters in there and adapt to the subtle differences in their stance/footwork/punching technique/blocking technique etc (even if all these are inferior to pure boxing ideals).

If anything at all this shows that Mayweather is taking the fight seriously and isnt about to be caught by something silly that he didnt expect because the last time he saw it was 20 years ago.
Floyd team probably got him confused with Andy Lee
after toying with conor, floyd is gonna say he trained with kevin lee as a joke and still defeated conor.