Jones posts new garage training clips

Bbbbut bbbbut bbut Jones is a bad person and he ran over a pregnant woman and he cheats and he lost to Gus.


Solid points. You left out degenerate coke head.

But don't let jones-splainers derail your line of thinking.

Your point is that Juanito is long legged sociopath.

<LucyBless> And I'm reading you loud and clear .
I love seeing him active.

I still want to see him fight.

Jones fan for life.
Lol at all he great guys in this thread that have never done anything wrong hating jones for having a car accident then fleeing the scene

Was the pregnant lady your mum or gf
Neat. I couldnt see these on insta cuz he blocked me after i made a joke about god and steroids on one of his posts. Lol