Jon Fitch live daily YouTube Shake Break

Never understand why Sherdog instantly goes there to discredit guys, for the likes I guess but it contributes nothing.
You’ve been here since (at least) 2009. People have been doing this well before the like system was implemented.
It is bad enough to have Schaub and Robin Black threads here. There is no need to bring Fitch podcast.
Never understand why Sherdog instantly goes there to discredit guys, for the likes I guess but it contributes nothing.
Because Sherdoggers have such great lives that they can crap on others achievements..
Fucking lost all respect for fich used to think he was promoting grass fed whey protein gluten free lifestyle clean diet for the kids eat ur broccoli then turns out he's putting a lil extra SPICE into his SHAKE ... smfh
ok Mother Teresa
Jon Fitch is still duing shake breaks if any one is having sleeping problems
