Jogging 15 minutes?


Dec 1, 2017
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Hi so i was just wondering how significant it would be for my cardio if i jogged 15 minutes every day i know i can do it because i did it this morning. 14 mins of jogging with the last minute be in a maximum speed run. Im asking because i have a hard time sticking to a workout routine. With sparring and grappling being the exception because i find those fun.
it would be 105 minutes of extra cardio a week which would be a significant difference to no extra cardio a week. with a little sprint at the end, i think it would make a big impact for you. maybe you try a tabata protocol or some other hiit stuff. like 5 minutes easy warm up, 5 minutes of intervals and 5 minutes of easy cool down. enjoy.
it would be 105 minutes of extra cardio a week which would be a significant difference to no extra cardio a week. with a little sprint at the end, i think it would make a big impact for you. maybe you try a tabata protocol or some other hiit stuff. like 5 minutes easy warm up, 5 minutes of intervals and 5 minutes of easy cool down. enjoy.
just googled tabata protocol sounds pretty dope.