Joe Rogan exposing "Elsagate." Any y'all know what this is?

Honestly, Pewdiepie and Jontron should have been a wakeup. Here you have streamers with large preteen and teenage audiences, utilizing harsh language, espousing concerning far right ideals, and summing it all up by saying "Is a joke man, i'm a good guy". If that didn't shock them into paying attention to the content that their children take in, I really don't have any sympathy for them in this case.

People have an expectation that the platform is going to monitor what their kids are taking in in lieu of them parenting, and it's really asinine to even remotely think that. It's akin to going and yelling at the teacher when your snowflake fucks around in class. I have a lot more respect for the parents who are noticing their kids getting into this shit and being vigilant in keeping their kids away from it than the people who are now figuring out the internet isn't PG and getting the vapors as they scream at the platform "HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO MY CHILDDDD"????

LOL. Comparing pewdiepie making a nazi joke to an entire network of pedophiles targeting children with cartoon characters drinking piss, receiving injections and being tied down to chairs
It does seem a bit iffy, but parents would be well advised to get their fucking kids off the couch, get the fucking IPADs and tablets out their hands and have them do something productive and character forming - sports, reading actual books, hell even playing with actual toys and honing their imagination and creative thinking.

I'm sick of seeing parents NOT being parents. Sat on public transport glued to their fucking I-phones, updating Instagram and gossiping on social media while giving their kids a bloody screen to stare at. And I hate kids and am not a parent.

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