Joe Rogan compares Conor's power to George Foremans

What Joe has said still isn't very accurate....

Conor has very slick timing placement, and whole body coordination. That's how he ruins people. Exactly what he was bragging about around Aldo fight.

When he was just going crazy battering on Diaz he didn't really do shit.

Foreman was kind of a guy who could thrown some ugly arm punches that yet still had ridiculous impact - via some weird Foreman physic.
Obviously Foreman hit harder, he was, what, 100 pounds heavier than Conor?

Conor's got some great power, but it's his accuracy and timing that gets the KO, not power alone.
Pffftt if Conor hit Frazier he wouldn't have got up 5 times.

Jokes, love Foreman hate having to see him portrayed a monster in every Ali movie.
Foreman Takes shits bigger than mctapper so there u have it

I love Joe, but he is a comedian.

Damn this man can grill! His power ain't to shabby either :) great vid = awesome post