Jessy Jess's Cat Critically Injured and Her House Broken Into

If you kick my cat you better wear a mask and run away in a car cause I'll find you.
I shouldn't be surprised hearing this as animal abuse isn't too far out there when it comes to ppl that are morally bankrupt enough to burglarize houses. still infuriates me that they needlessly mortally wounded an innocent pet during their break in.

I'd be far more broken at the idea of having my pet harmed in a burglary than me actually losing material possessions.
I still have dvds, and blu rays.
Obviously I have streaming/digital too but yeah, fuck all wrong with having a film collection mate.
I love my dvds. I got like a blockbusters worth of dvds. How the Fuck else do people watch movies. Not everybody streams. Super trooper blu ray is the shit!
I'm hearing about this type of shit more and more in Vegas. Breaking and entering should be a mandatory 10 year sentence. If you have a gun on you you should get life
Both are misdemeanors. Both can become felonies depending on circumstance.

The more you know ;)
Nothing about what was described is even close to a misdemeanor. It's 1st degree felony burglary with aggravated cruelty to an animal with a sentence ranging from 1 to 25 years depending on the circumstances. The more you know.
Just imagine if Paige and two goons from TAM actually were the ones who did it to demoralize her opponent the week of the fight, that would be the biggest scandal in MMA.
strong cat sentiments amongst the sherbros. do you love it when they squirt you with their invisible bum jam too?
Cats are resilient as fuck, whoever did this has rizzo esque kicking power. Hope he gets found and dies in a suspicious way.

And who the fuck is jessy Jess
Just looked at her tweeter, she says she had over 30 grands worth of stuff stolen. Unless she’s Ronda in disguise this bitch is lying. No way she has £30000 worth of stuff.