It is far more important that you "Like" this YouTube video than it should be (VG Version)


Staff member
Senior Moderator
Jun 13, 2005
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It's a civic duty, really.

Mick's Note: This is the VG forum's version of this thread. The original version is in the War Room. I suggest you go there if you really wish to spar about the politics of this. This cross-posted thread exists for the precise reason that Pewdipie isn't a political figure (outside YouTube policy politics), never has been, and is probably far more familiar to our resident VG or Mayberry posters than he is to War Roomers (who found themselves helplessly lost in similar fashion when #GG broke).
---> It is far more important that you "Like" this YouTube video than it should be (WR Version) <---
We must all band together and like this video, the whole universe hangs in the balance
We must all band together and like this video, the whole universe hangs in the balance
Lmao you're posting pewdiepie videos? GTFO.
Fuck pewdiepie and his whole "woe is me" garbage.
I don't think he came off as "woe is me" at all. I don't generally like his videos, but the obvious lies that were used to ruin a part of his livelihood, and defame character, is obscene.

Still ain't liking any of his vids...
The fact that everything, including an outrageously annoying dude who plays videogames for a living, somehow gets reduced to politics where everyone hates each other is one of the myriad of reasons I'm not having children.

There's too many of us, we're making ourselves stupider with amazing technology, and the world is a dumpster fire.
He's the biggest attention whore on the internet. Why would anyone take this guy seriously?
You know who doesn't need to ask this question?

People who watch the video.
Not a fan of Felix' YouTube content in general, but what the media has done to him is honestly atrocious.

Didn't think this thread would get so many ignorant replies in its first page.
Not a fan of Felix' YouTube content in general, but what the media has done to him is honestly atrocious.

Didn't think this thread would get so many ignorant replies in its first page.
You can say I don't like his vids, AND I don't like what was done to him.
You can say I don't like his vids, AND I don't like what was done to him.
Yes, and I appreciated your ability to divine the distinction in your post. This ability seems an increasingly rare one as I get older.

But, so you know, I don't like his other vids. I don't watch his other vids. I've only played his Android game, and that's because it was one of the highest rated games I'd ever seen on Android (did not disappoint). I gave him the 5 minutes I could handle when he first went viral 5 or 6 years ago, thought "this has to be one of the dumbest fads of all time," then found myself agape in stupor as I watched him instead rapidly become the most successful YouTube star of all time. I'm not asking you to like "his vids". I'm asking you to like this vid. Because, unlike anything else I'm sure he does, this isn't first world problems: this is important everywhere.

If anything, I think the fact that you and I don't like his other vids would make a like for this one, as it stands apart from their silliness, that much more significant. It demonstrates that this issue (and the evil perpetrated against him) transcends his normal sphere. This could help gain special notice for a wider and more appropriate audience.
I was already a subscriber, but you got me to watch this video. Well done. :)
I replaced watching TV with watching youtube. 20% of youtube videos I watch are videogame related. I have never seen or heard of this guy. I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone. This guy is that famous and made that much money? WTF?
Lets count the number of people that dont watch the video
WSJ disgraced themselves really. If they don't fire those "journalists" and the editor that let that hit piece see the light of day.......they will only disgrace themselves further.
Nope, you get 50 million subs, you become a political figure regardless, what you put out there hurts/helps people and there should/could be backlash. I get what is going on, and I understand those that dont agree with me.