is texas holdem poker a game of luck or skill?

Poker face/bluffing is a skill. Counting cards is a skill. A lot of luck is involved with cards
Its all a work just like pro rasslin and the moon landing
Fo sho both ... Anyone can catch a good hand and win a decent pot. Catching a good or bad hand and knowing how to play it based off the information you've gleaned from the past hour of playing with the people to your right and left is where the skill part comes in.

source: I used to dig this game quite a bit and no matter how good I got, I always met people that were better .... so I quit playing as much
i love watching the guys who use table talk and their image to do well in poker. Someone like tony g. and daniel negreanu.
Both, but most people don't play at a level where skill matters all that much.
Both. A lot of skill if you're playing with people that don't really know the strategy of the game. I'm pretty damn good at it for a complete amateur. I'm better at roulette though. Also requires luck and skill.
you can win a hand despite getting shit hole (luck) cards by having a good bluff (skill) and working your position around the table.
Counting cards in poker? I thought it was just for blackjack.

Yeah you don't count cards in the traditional sense in poker because you shuffle the deck after each hand. The type of "card counting" in poker really has more to do with reading what cards are out and the odds of you getting one you need. Then there's your place in rotation, pot risk/reward, and other things that go into it.

Texas Holdem is my favorite card game. I play a few private cash games every month and do pretty decently.
It's a skill game that contains an element of luck. However, the luck factor is mitigated with proper risk management and grinding out a lot of hands.
both of course.. in the long term, skill outweighs luck heavily.

only fairly recently have super computers been able to defeat professional players